Audio + Print Interviews
AP Grow Chats with Kenneth Cloke about Managing Conflict at Work (2018)
Manager’s Roadhouse Podcast (MRP) provides casual conversations on topics that matter to managers. In this episode, AP Grow visits with Kenneth Cloke, co-author of Resolving Conflicts at Work: 10 Strategies for Everyone on the Job. Management improvement topics in this episode: Common causes of conflict at work Steps for troubleshooting workplace conflicts Kenneth Cloke's soon to be released book about how to talk about controversial topics.
Interview with Awakin: From Conflict to Transcendence and Transformation (May 27, 2017)
Ken is interviewed by Awakin on a full range of conflict resolution issues.
The Art of Listening, interview with Oscar Trimboli (2017)
Ken and Oscar talk about various forms of listening and how to listen to what lies beneath the surface. Ken tells several mediation stories that illustrate the value and transformational potential of listening.
From Conflict to Transcendence and Transformation: An interview with Service Space (2017)
A Conversation about Conflict - KRFY Radio (2017)
Interview with Sandpoint Magazine (2017)
In an interview with Trish Gannon for the Summer 2017 edition of Sandpoint Magazine, Ken discusses Mediators Beyond Borders, his book, Conflict Revolution, mediating global issues, and the need for political dialogue. He answer the three questions below, and many more:
You have written: “There is a better outcome than winning and losing.” But it seems written in our DNA that we can either be a winner or a loser. How do you lead people to change that thinking?
Is it possible to successfully mediate disputes in an age of “alternative facts?”
Our country is badly politically polarized. How might we find less contentious ways to address our problems?
Interview with Jane Gunn (2016)
In this interview with Jane Gunn and Ken Cloke (Mediator and Author), Jane and Ken discuss how mediators can help to solve the great challenges of our times. .
Creating Peace One Step at a Time (2014)
In this 2014 interview for the Texas Conflict Coach Radio Show, Ken shares what drew him into the field of conflict resolution and peace-making and what keeps him here. He also shares what he believes can bring us closest to peace.