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I usually conduct four or five-day long mediation trainings twice a year at the Center for Dispute Resolution in Santa Monica, but am currently holding them online due to Covid. The Mediation Training is designed for beginning, intermediate and advanced mediators who are interested in improving their conflict resolution skills. Space is limited to 20 people, except when it is on Zoom where more participants can be accommodated, and there is typically a waiting list for each training.  Each participant receives a Training Manual that includes basic techniques and forms that are useful in starting a mediation practice.  Upon completion, each participant receives a Mediation Certificate. 

Zoom Online Schedule Spring (2024)
The regular 4-day training schedule will be conducted online via Zoom between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm PST on March 28 and 29, and April 1 and 2,  2025. An optional fifth day, March 30, will be spent by participants on their own observing conflict cultures, practicing, and exploring their own conflicts.
Please email me for details at or

Schedule for Santa Monica Trainings (after Covid is over)
Classes begin at 9:30 am and end at 4:30 pm
Location: Zoom, from the Center for Dispute Resolution, 2411 18th St., Santa Monica, CA 90405
Phone: (310) 399-4426

What does the training cover?

Day 1 Overview of historical, psychological, legal, social, systemic and spiritual aspects of conflict, and avenues to resolution. Includes communication skills, storytelling, listening techniques, an eight-step mediation process, and a discussion of the limits of mediation.

Day 2 Responding to intense emotions, techniques for handling anger, fear, grief, guilt and shame; responding to bullying; surfacing interests; collaboratively negotiating agreements; caucusing and not caucusing; resolving cross-cultural disputes; and ethics and values in mediation.  [Day 3 - for description, see below.]

Day 4 Overcoming impasse, addressing power imbalances, reducing resistance to resolution, working with groups and organizations, what to do when you are completely stuck, and confirming commitments. Mediating organizational, workplace, divorce, family, community and public policy disputes. 

Day 5 Establishing a mediation practice, conflict coaching, conflict resolution systems design, resolving complex multi-party environmental and political disputes, designing rituals, reaching closure, opening heartfelt conversations, reaching forgiveness and reconciliation, and resolving international conflicts. 

The Advanced Mediation and Facilitation Training covers:

Day 1 Overview of “advanced” conflict resolution processes; understanding conflict in social justice organizations; facilitating dialogues and large group, multi-party, consensus building and problem solving processes; restorative justice practices, non-violent communication, conflict mapping, circles, and others.

Day 2 Neurophysiology of politics, cognitive biases and conflict;, stereotyping and prejudice reduction; mediating racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, etc.; vicarious trauma, and trauma-informed mediation for activists and social change organizations; fascism and the limits of mediation.

Day 3 Participants on their own observe conflict cultures, practice, and explore their own conflicts, if they wish with a conflict resolution coach.

Day 3 Mediating Dangerously;” the art of asking questions; mindfulness and meditation for organizers and activists; how to shift attitudes, intentions, expectations, and energy; techniques for mediating cross-cultural issues.

Day 4 A theory of politics and mediation, stages of democracy, forms of dialogue, and political conflicts; mediating divisive political, social, economic, and environmental disputes; designing preventative conflict resolution systems, including feedback and evaluation, reward and compensation, and other systems in political organizations; creating a “Conflict Revolution.”

How much does it cost?

The training costs $250.00 per class or $1000.00 for the series. A limited number of partial scholarships are available to deserving students. Mail a check to Kenneth Cloke, 2411 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA.  For trainees, a hard copy of the Training Manual is included.

For trainees, a hard copy of the Training Manual is included.If you would like to receive a hard copy of the Training Manual, send a check for $5 plus $5 postage, or you can order an electronic copy from Amazon by clicking here.

How do I apply?

Registration is now open for the November 2021 training.   

Upcoming trainings will be announced on the Events page of the website.  If you would like to be notified when registration opens, make sure to sign up for updates.  

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